UMass Amherst
Triathlon Club
Official USAT Collegiate Triathlon club team of UMass Amherst
Season Opener 2018
On May 19 the team went to Hopkinton MA to race in the 2018 Season Opener. We had a great turnout with 6 racers and 2 team moms. Alex and Shane placed 1st and 2nd in the Collegiate division with times of 55:29.5 and 58:28.2. Alex's time was also good enough for 3rd overall. Congratulations to Francesco and Davis on completing their first triathlon!

USAT Collegiate Club Nationals 2018
UMass Triathlon once again headed to Collegiate Club Nationals in Tuscaloosa, Alabama! The club had 3 athletes competing at nationals this year: Jackie, Alex, and Shane. The event was supposed to be an Olympic triathlon: 1500m swim, 40km bike and 10km run. Unfortunately, due to heavy rain and flooding the event was changed to a duathlon: 5.2km run, 40km bike, 5.2km run.
Jackie placed 134th with a time of 2:07:34.0
Alex placed 132nd with a time of 1:48:15.0
Shane unfortunately had to DNF because of a mechanical.

RaceMania 2018
UMass was back at RaceMania Boston this March! Seven of our athletes journeyed to BU to compete in the team challenge for the fifth year in a row and came away with some strong results. The competition consisted of a 4x1600m relay, 4x200m swim and 10K indoor bike time trial. The team finished seventh overall, with Shane picking up 8th place in the men's swim, Alden and Alex coming in 4th and 5th in the men's run, and Jackie coming 3rd in the women's run.