UMass Amherst
Triathlon Club
Official USAT Collegiate Triathlon club team of UMass Amherst
Who Are We?
UMass Triathlon Club is a co-ed club sport dedicated to the sport of triathlon (swim, bike, run). All students are welcome to join any time of year regardless of swim/bike/run experience and ability level. You don't have to do a triathlon if you join! Some of us do several races every year, some of us have never done a triathlon and just do it for the training. Come try out a practice and see how you like it!
Amherst Half Marathon 2018
What is a Triathlon?
A Triathlon combines three sports: swimming, biking, and running. Training for a triathlon can be fun, challenging, and fulfilling, and completing your first triathlon feels great. Each race consists of doing these three sports, in order, as fast as possible.
There are four triathlon race distances:
Sprint Olympic Half Ironman Ironman
Swim 1/4-1/2 mi 1500 m 1.2 mi 2.4 mi
Bike 20 km 40 km 66 mi 112 mi
Run 5 km 10 km 13.1 mi 26.2 mi
UMass Triathlon races in the Northeast Collegiate Triathlon Conference (NECTC). The NECTC season runs from August to October, but each April we also send athletes to the USA Triathlon Collegiate Club Nationals.
Alex at Semper Tri in California